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Opera Creole at NSULA - The Creole French Connection

The Creole Heritage Center at Northwestern State University is thrilled to bring back the New Orleans-based group Opera Creole for a concert of opera scenes, arias, and Creole folk songs that celebrate the Creole-French connection. 

The concert will be held in Magale Recital Hall on the Northwestern State University campus.

Contact the Creole Heritage Center with any questions or to purchase tickets by cash, check, or money order. 

Additional support for the event comes from NSU’s Black Studies Minor, the Dear School of Creative and Performing Arts, and the School of Social Sciences and Applied Programs.

Proceeds from ticket sales will help the Center offset the cost of the event and support its future programs and resources. The cost of tickets is not tax deductible, but additional donations are tax deductible and help the Center continue public access to its resources, publish newsletters, mount future programs, and be present at community events to fufill its mission to preserve, educate, and advocate the value and significance of the vibrant Louisiana Creole people and their culture. Visit nsula.edu.creole to learn more about the Creole Heritage Center or northwesternstatealumni.com/creole to donate. 

To learn more about the Opera Creole, visit their website at operacreole.org/.

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